Rome – A city which harmoniously conjugates past and modern life

Rome is one of the most interesting cities of the world due to the historic monuments and ancient buildings it has among many other attractions. The origins of this Italian city date from more than 2.700 years ago, and therefore, its historical richness is invaluable and very hard to equalize. Besides this, this city has incorporated modern life style to its historical environment in such a way which both aspects live together in harmony.

Besides the attraction this city offers through its ancient buildings and monuments, it also allows visitors to observe how this characteristic can be perfectly combined with nowadays technology and modern life. This way, the characteristics of Rome are unique since it mixes elements from not only centuries but even millenniums ago, with elements of nowadays modern life.

Aerial view of Rome in Italy. Colosseum and Forum Romanum.

The buildings and monuments in Rome

Rome contains some of the most interesting ancient buildings and monuments of the entire world. To name some of these buildings and monuments we can say that it contains the Vatican City, the Colosseum, the Forum from where Julius Caesar would govern Rome in the ancient times, and even some ruins of Circus Maximus where ancient sports such as gladiator fights would be watched by thousands of spectators.

Outside of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. Many tourist on a clear blue day.
The Colosseum

The Vatican City

The Vatican City, one of the most interesting places to visit while being in Rome, contains several different ancient buildings of a variety of characteristics. Among the buildings which visitors could meet in the Vatican City there are, for example, churches, basilicas and chapels. The Sistine Chapel, for example, is an amazing building in which tourists can observe Michelangelo’s painting at its ceiling; or San Peter’s Basilica an ancient building which dates from more than 1.500 years ago.

Outside view of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City in Rome, Italy.
St. Peter’s Basilica

Museums and art in Rome

Museums, art galleries and cultural centers are others of the most attractive characteristics of Rome. Visitors who go to this city would be able to observe original sculptures and paintings of artists such as Bellini, Botticelli and Raphael among many others, a fact very difficult to find repeated at other cities. Also, Typical Italian food is available at many different restaurants throughout all Rome, allowing tourists to enjoy a truly Italian meal at one of the most characteristic cities of the country.

Map of Rome

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