The Prado to Sol is one of the main regions of Madrid, containing some interesting constructions and monuments among other elements. This spot and its surroundings have many interesting attractions to offer and a variety of entertainment related activities available for tourists to enjoy.
Continue reading The Prado to Sol in MadridCategory: Madrid
When visiting Madrid, be sure to check out some of its most popular tourist attractions, such as the Royal Palace, Prado Museum, and Retiro Park.
For a more unique experience, try exploring Madrid’s many hidden gems, such as the La Latina neighborhood or the Temple of Debod.
No matter what you do during your visit, you’re sure to have a memorable experience in this vibrant and historic city.
The Opera in Madrid
Madrid has had a great relationship with the Opera through its entire history, and nowadays it still has an important role within the city. This way, those who enjoy the opera would probably be able to have a great time in Madrid by visiting one of the several options it always offers through several of its theaters.
Continue reading The Opera in MadridThe neighborbood of Huertas
Huertas is one of the most traditional neighborhoods of Madrid as well as one of the most diverse ones. This spot maintains some of the most typical traditions and cultural characteristics of Spain despite the pass of the years and the addition of new cultural elements.
The Centro de Arte Reina Sofia
The Centro de Arte Reina Sofía or Reina Sofía Art Center is one of the main modern art centers of Spain and one of the first places visitors who enjoy arts should visit while being in Madrid. This art center exhibits art works from several different amazing artists such as Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró and Pablo Picasso among others.
Continue reading The Centro de Arte Reina SofiaMadrid’s Plaza Mayor
The Plaza Mayor in Madrid is one of the central spots of the city in which tourists can meet several different aspects of the Spanish traditions and culture. Since its origins in the XVII century, this square has witnessed a great amount of historical events and many great moments in different époques have centered in this spot.
The Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza
The Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza is a modern museum which does not count on as many years of existence as most others Spanish museums but is one of the most amazing ones. The Museum Thyssen-Bornemisza exhibits a very unique collection of art work pieces which is actually said to be among the most interesting ones of the entire world.
Continue reading The Museo Thyssen-BornemiszaMadrid and its Gran Via
The Gran Via in Madrid is one of the major roads of the city and which contains some of the most interesting and attractive tourist attractions and recreational spots of the area. This road or street marks one of the main and central spots of Madrid in which there is always people, traffic and movement, no matter the time of the day or night.
The history of Habsburg Madrid
Habsburg Madrid or Madrid de las Austrias is a peculiar spot in the city characterized by having many of its constructions built during the époque in which Spain was governed by the Habsburg Empire. This way, this spot is very particular not only due to its architectural characteristics but to its past and history as well.
Continue reading The history of Habsburg MadridThe Plaza de España – Madrid
The Plaza de España, meaning Spain Square, is a green open area which contrasts with the great amount of high buildings which surrounds it. This way, this spot is almost a relief for those who spend an important amount of time surrounded by buildings and need to be in touch with nature and see the sky. This is a place which offers very different characteristics than most other Madrid attractions would, since its main attraction is the way it allows visitors to enjoy nature, while most of the other attractions of the city are based on constructions, buildings and monuments.
The neighborhood of Lavapies
Lavapies is one of the most peculiar and traditional neighborhoods of Madrid, unique due to its characteristics. This neighborhood has been traditionally seen as a poor district where many antique Spanish traditions and many cultural expression forms inherent to this country can be observed.