The beautiful Lake Ferto

Lake Ferto is one of the most attractive natural spots tourists could find in a vacation in Hungary. This lake counts with shallow clear waters surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes and an amazing wild life. This is a great choice for anybody who wishes to relax and enjoy the nature while being away of big cities and modern life hurries as well as to those who wish to find a different and unique destination.

The area that surrounds Lake Ferto is a National Park and a UNESCO reserve. Due to this, tourists who wish to visit it should make sure of knowing the regulations and rules they should follow. In case of needing information on such factors as well as on any other aspect related to this spot, it is recommendable to ask for guidance at a Hungarian tourist information centre.

The flora and fauna of Lake Ferto is much protected and therefore it conserves its natural beauty and wild aspect almost untouched. Visitors who arrive to this spot would be able to observe a great variety of different animal species as well as many unique and beautiful plants, flowers and trees; but they should be careful to respect them and not damage them, not only because it is required by the regulations, but also because the beauty and health of this spot and its ecosystem depends on it.

A fact tourists might find interesting to know about Lake Ferto is that it actually has two different nationalities. The southern side of this lake is Hungarian, while the northern side, called the Neusiedler See is Austrian. As a whole, this lake has a width which ranges between 7 and 15 kilometers, and a length of approximately 35 kilometers. The depth of the lake is, in average, of around 60 cm, while it can reach the 1.80 m at some points but no more than that.

According to experts, Lake Ferto was born towards endings of the Ice Age. It is also known that it was regularly visited by the Romans who would call it Lacus Peiso. Nowadays, it is a National Park in which several activities such as research, nature conservation, ecotourism, and environmental education are promoted.