Vathy, located within the Greek prefecture of Kefalonia, is considered to be one of the largest natural harbors of the world. This city is the capital of Ithaca and is a very attractive destination tourists should always consider when visiting Greece. Vathy is very interesting from the point of view of architecture and history as well as it offers beautiful natural landscapes and spots.
One of the main natural attractions offered by Vathy is the Daskalio Cave. The Daskalio Cave, situated next to the port, has been a very important place since prehistoric times. Archaeologists who have conducted some excavations in this area have discovered a variety of objects dating from prehistoric times, such as, for example, ceramics, Neolithic tools, and spindles. Most of these objects were created as long ago as in the year 2000 BC, during the Middle and Late Minoan Periods.
Other interesting natural spot tourists should not miss in Vathy is the Cave of the Dragon, locally known as Dracospilia. The interior of this cave offers a magical appearance created by an important amount of stalagmites and stalactites. Besides this, and near the Dracospilia, visitors can also meet the Negro’s Grotto which was used as a hiding place by pirates and also has stalactites and stalagmites.
The town of Vathy is divided in two main settlements known as Messa Vathy or Inner Vathy, located in the recess of the bay, and Exo Vathy or Outer Vathy located at the mouth of the bay. Both this areas count unique attractions and interesting constructions, in such a way that tourists who visit this town should make sure of explore the both of them as thoroughly as possible, and ideally, by counting with information about its past and its relation with the prehistoric times.
The town of Vathy also counts with several unique local dishes which tourists should make sure of trying at a traditional restaurant or tavern during their visit. As it can be noticed, Vathy is a very peculiar and charming destination, full of unique natural spots and interesting attractions, and is perfect for all those who are willing to enjoy a relaxing and yet entertaining vacation.