Zakynthos is a very attractive island located within the Ionian Archipelago of Greece, on the western coast of the country. This island has an area of approximately 410 km2, an extension that causes it to be the third largest of the archipelago. Besides this, it might also be interesting to know that Zakynthos has a population of approximately 41,500 inhabitants and a density of about 102 inhabitants per km2.
Geographically, Zakynthos is characterized by having mountainous areas mixed by fertile lands and attractive coastlines. Most of the mountains of Zakynthos are located towards the western, while the fertile areas can be found in the south eastern. Due to the combination of fertile lands and Mediterranean climate, an important part of the economical resources of Zakynthos are based on products from activities such as agriculture and farming. This way, island is very popular by its grapes, olives, olive oil, and citrus fruits.
An interesting peculiarity about the island of Zakynthos is that this island was the birth place of the famous Dionysios Solomos, the Greek poet who created the national anthem of the country as well as who is considered to be the most important poet in modern Greece. Tourists who visit the capital town of this island would be able to meet the statue of Dionysios Solomos placed at the central square.
One of the first spots visitors should try to visit in this island, and especially while being with children, is the Marine Park of Zakynthos. This marine park has a variety of marine creatures, some of them exotic such as the Caretta Caretta of loggerhead turtles. The Caretta Caretta is a endangered specie that is typical from the Bay of Laganas.
One of the best times of the year to visit Zarkynthos, and this park in particular, is in June when the female Caretta Caretta turtles go to the beach where they bury their eggs. These eggs remain buried for between 50 and 55 days when the baby turtles are born and go into the sea. This way, most of these baby turtles emigrate into the water during August, causing this month to be other of the most attractive moments for visiting the island.