The attractive Galati

Galati is the capital city of the Romanian County of same name, located towards the eastern region of the country. This city, with a population of approximately 299,000 inhabitants, is considered to be the seventh largest in Romania, as well as one of the most attractive spots tourists can visit while being in the eastern area of the country during a vacation in Romania.

According the experts on the subject, the origin of the name of this city, Galati, could be found in qal at, an Arabic term which can be translated as fortress. But, there also are several other theories explaining the origins of this name, such as for example that it is based on the Serbian term “galat”, a Celtic term “gaul” or a Cuman term “galatui”.

Despite of the fact that it is known that Galati already existed as a town in the 15th century, there is not much known about it during that époque. During the 18th century, around the year 1790, it was almost entirely burnt by a fire caused by the Russians, commanded by the general Mikhail Kamensky as an strategic step in the Russo-Turkish War.

Galati is renown throughout the rest of Romania as well as in many other countries by its steel and iron plant. The steel and iron plant of Galati, called the Mittal Steel Galati or Sidex, is the biggest plant of its kind in the country, and an important economical resource for its inhabitants. Also, this city is famous by having the largest shipyard of Romania, being this other important source of work and income for its population.

There are several interesting spots and constructions to meet in Galati. One of them is the Saint George Cathedral, a religious building which was constructed in the 17th century and which has an interesting structure and architectonic style. Besides this, during their visit to Galati tourists could also meet a botanical garden, a promenade along the Danube, a sculpture park, a television tower, the Church of St Mary, the Opera House of Galati, and a variety of museums, among others.