Inousses is a group of small islands located near Chios, in the Greek region of the north eastern Aegean Islands. This semi-archipelago or complex of islands is a very beautiful destination, full of amazing natural landscapes, relaxing spots, entertaining activities, and therefore a great choice when willing to go to the Aegean Islands for a vacation in Greece.
Despite of is natural beauty and the wide range of activities it offers, Inousses is usually a very peaceful and quiet destination, great for those tourists who wish to avoid crowds. Each one of the small islands of Inousses is worth being visited, and tourists could easily do so since there always are tours and guided excursions offering to show all the most attractive spots in this semi-archipelago.
The capital town of this complex of islands is also called Inousses and is one of the first places tourists should visit as well as where they would be able to find most of the facilities and commodities offered by this destination. The town of Inousses, also known as Egnousa, is very small and with no more than about 500 inhabitants, but still counts with an important amount of commodities that allow tourists feeling welcome. This way, while being in this town, visitors would find hotels, restaurants, cafes, taverns, and shops, among others.
In the capital town of Inousses visitors can also meet several interesting antique constructions and spots as well as a variety of other attractions. One of the main places tourists should not miss in the town of Inousses is the Maritime Museum. The Maritime Museum of Inousses hosts art works and paintings of Artistidis Glykas, a renowned Greek artist, as well many other works and objects that combine art with the history of the islands.
The inhabitants of the town of Inousses base their economical resources in activities and products related to fishing and winery, and in second place in tourism. These inhabitants are very friendly and welcoming to tourists, and are often remembered as one of the greatest memories tourists keep from their visit to this group of islands.