The city Pyrgos is the capital of the Greek prefecture of Ilia, situated towards the western area of the Peloponnese. It is interesting to know that the name of the city, Pyrgos, owes its origin to an antique tower. Besides this peculiarity, there also are several other unique facts and characteristics which turn this destination into a very appealing and charming one.
Pyrgos is situated in a very attractive area and is surrounded by beautiful sceneries which are part of its charm and appealing. In order to be able to easily find it, it is interesting to know that this city borders with the Ionian Sea to the west, with Volakas to the south, with Iardanos to the north, and with Ancient Olympia to the east.
There are many different things to do and spots to meet in Pyrgos due to the fact that it is a big destination full of unique constructions and places to explore. This city and its surroundings have a variety of constructions, natural elements, landscapes, and facilities which can almost ensure any tourists to have a nice time no matter what his preferences and expectations are.
Due to its location, while being in Pyrgos, visitors can meet several other destinations. Among these other destinations there is, for example, Agios Ioannis, Palata, Ampelona, Alaio, Granitseika, Katakolo, Koliri, Lampeti, Palaiovarvasena, Myrtia, Leventochori, Lasteika, Skafidi, Salmoni, and many more peculiar and interesting spots.
There is a variety of ways to reach the city of Pyrgos. Due to its location, tourists can find this spot coming from several different destinations, such as per example, traveling 96 kilometers from Patra, 145 kilometers from Tripoli, 12 kilometers from Olympia, or 320 kilometers from Athens.
Due to its peculiarities and interesting characteristics, it is recommendable that those tourists who visit this region of Peloponnese try to meet Pyrgos and its surroundings. Although it is often overlooked, this is a very attractive spot which visitors should explore and try to meet, due to its peculiarities, the variety of activities it offers, and the amazing landscapes it shows among several other reasons.