The Basilica of Budapest

The main basilica of Budapest, called Szent Istvan Bazilika or St. Stephen’s Basilica, is a very interesting religious construction which tourists should not miss during a vacation in Hungary. This construction, built between endings of the 19th century and beginnings of the 20th century, is considered to be the tallest building in all Budapest after the Hungarian Parliament, but its attraction is not only based on this fact but also its architectonic style and structural elements as well.

When approaching to the St. Stephen’s Basilica, the first element visitors would probably notice is its towers. This construction has two large towers located at the corners of the facade and which, along with its height, cause it to offer a very impressing appearance.

The St. Stephen’s Basilica was built following a very clear neoclassical style, being considered one of the finest examples of such style in all Budapest. When meeting its interior, tourists would probably also be impressed by its Greek cross as well as its unique structure and appealing design.

When visiting the St. Stephen’s Basilica, visitors could opt by using an elevator or going up using 364 stairs. Once they reach the dome and the highest point of the basilica, visitors can enjoy an amazing 360º view over Budapest, being this probably the most impressive sight they would find over the city.

Despite of the fact that this construction is always referred to as a basilica and named as one, it is officially a church. But, due to its impressive size, this construction is called and known as the Basilica of St. Stephen instead of the St. Stephen’s Church. This way, this construction located next to the St. Stephen’s Square, officially is the biggest church in Hungary.

Above the main entrance of the Basilica, visitors would be able to see a bust of King Stephen. Besides this, when entering, they would be able to find the mummified fist of this king, one of the most important holy relics of the Hungarian Catholicism. Also, when visiting the Basilica between July and September, tourists would be able to attend a variety of organ concerts held in it during that season.

Street View from the Basilica of Budapest