The islands of Kimolos

Kimolos is a main island with a few other smaller ones part of the Greek archipelago of the Cyclades. This way, it is possible to say this destination offers many different peculiar spots to visit and a variety of beautiful beaches and sea related landscapes to meet at the different islands.

In its origins, the island of Kimolos was called Echinousa. The name Kimolos was given to the island in honor to the person who is said to be the first inhabitant in the island. It is also interesting to know that the capital town of Kimolos is Chora, also known as Chorio, and is one of the most visited spots in this destination.

The island of Kimolos is very rich in history and counts with many antique stylish constructions built in different époques. According to the history of Kimolos, during the Middle ages the island was occupied by Venetians who changed its name to Argentiera, adding a new name to the different denominations this spot has gone through during its history.

During the 16th century, the Turks conquered the island when invaded an important amount of the Greek territory. A next important moment in the history of Kimolos took place towards the year 1829, when, after the Greek Independence, this spot along with the rest of the Cyclades became part of Greece.

Kimolos shows a mountainous appearance with beautiful coasts and white cliffs. Despite of its beauty, this spot is not among the most visited destinations in the Cyclades due to the fact that it is not one of the most advertised and popularized ones, and therefore those who visit it can generally enjoy a quiet and relaxing environment.

As it can be noticed, due to its combination of characteristics, Kimolos is a very attractive destination from several different points of view and counts with the peculiarity of being much less crowded than other islands in the Cyclades archipelago. From those tourists who wish to meet a place rich in historical past to those who wish to relax in a beautiful and peaceful beach, all of them could have a great time while visiting this area of the Cyclades.

Map of Kimolos in Greece