Valle de Hecho is a Spanish destination in which the beauty of nature can be seen as one of its main and most appealing characteristics.
This valley is located within the region of the Pyrenees, near the Roncal Valley and in a very beautiful environment full of unique birds and a great green surrounding.
Wildlife in Valle de Hecho
One of the most appealing characteristics of Valle de Hecho is the wide variety of birds and other animals it has. This way, those travelers who enjoy meeting peculiar birds would surely be able to have a great time in this area, where they could find many interesting small birds that are very difficult to be seen in other destinations.
The Lammergier, a very peculiar and unique kind of bird native to the Pyrenees can also be seen in the Valle de Hecho much more easily than in other surrounding spots. This bird is one of the largest in its kind and is one of the main factors which provide this destination with its birds’ related fame.
The history of Valle de Hecho
The Valle de Hecho is a very antique spot which received its first settlements when the entire county was receiving its first inhabitants as well. This way, we can say that this spot also counts with a very ancient and rich historical past and tourists could find several interesting antique constructions and other places while walking by and meeting its beautiful environment.
Interesting sights nearby
Near Valle de Hecho, visitors can also meet several other amazing spots and destinations. Among these other surrounding spots, there is, per example, the Valley of Aguas Tuertas, Valle de Ansó, the Lake of Acherito, the Lake of Estanes, La Selva de Oza, and the Boca de Infierno, among several others.
The Monastery of San Pedro de Siresa
One of the main constructions tourists can meet while visiting Valle de Hecho and its surroundings is the Monastery of San Pedro de Siresa which was built during the 11th century and shows a very characteristic Romanesque style.
Outdoor activities
Besides meeting historical and antique constructions like this, visitors who like being active and spend energies can also practice sports such as biking, fishing, and mountain climbing among several others.